Conditional feature

Depending on your runtime environment, you may only need to run a few features of your application. And so, load only the necessary modules and bindable classes.


The @ConditionalFeature annotation allows a feature to be enabled or disabled depending on the processing performed by the class supplied as a parameter. This class must implement the Condition interface.

The annotation accepts the following parameter:

  • value is used to define the implementation of Condition interface to use.


public final class SampleController {


The @ConfigurationConditionalFeature annotation allows a feature to be enabled or disabled based on a value in the configuration, properties, or environment variables.

The annotation accepts the following parameter:

  • value is used to define the name of the configuration/property/env. variable to be read.
  • expectedValue is used to define all possible expected values. The default value is {"true", "enabled", "yes", "1"}.


public final class SampleController {


The @RunInDevModeConditionalFeature annotation allows a feature to be enabled only if the dev mode is set to true.


public final class SampleController {

Creating your own condition

To create your own condition, simply implement the Condition interface and use this new implementation with the @ConditionalFeature annotation. You can also create your own annotation if you wish.


public class RunInDevModeCondition implements Condition {

    public boolean isEnabled(final Config configuration,
                             final Class<?> annotatedClassType,
                             final AnnotationMetadata annotationMetadata) {

        return configuration.getBoolean("voidframework.core.runInDevMode");
public @interface RunInDevModeConditionalFeature {