
The dev.voidframework.core.lang package contains a set of Java classes that extend the basic JDK.


CUID is a collision-resistant ID optimized for horizontal scaling and performance. Read more at Read the Java file to get more information about available methods.

// Random CUID
final CUID cuid = CUID.randomCUID();

// CUID from String representating a CUID
final CUID cuid = CUID.fromString("cl9gts1kw00393647w1z4v2tc");

// Check if String contains a valid CUID (implicitly called by "fromString" method)
final boolean isValid = CUID.isValid("cl9gts1kw00393647w1z4v2tc");


Either represents a value of one or two possible types (a disjoint union). Read the Java file to get more information about available methods.

final Either<String, Integer> either = Either.ofLeft("1337");

final Integer value = either.match(Integer::valueOf, right -> right);


TypedMap is a simple hashmap with typed key. Typed means that the type of the value associated to the key is part of the key itself. Read the Java file to get more information about available methods.

final TypedMap.Key<String> STRING_KEY = TypedMap.Key.of("STRING_KEY", String.class)
final TypedMap typedMap = new TypedMap();

typedMap.put(STRING_KEY, "Hello World");