Life cycle

Void Framework provides a way to manage the life of a component. The @LifeCycleStart and @LifeCycleStop annotations allow you to define the methods to be called automatically when the application is started and stopped.


Indicates that this method should be called when the application starts.

The annotation accepts the following parameter:

  • priority is used to define when the method will be called in relation to the others. The lower the priority, the higher the priority of the method. The default value is 1000.


Indicates that this method should be called when the application is stopped.

The annotation accepts the following parameters:

  • priority defines when the method will be called in relation to the others. The lower the priority, the higher the priority of the method. The default value is 1000.
  • gracefulStopTimeoutConfigKey allows you to provide a configuration key to retrieve the maximum time (duration or milliseconds) to wait before giving up and continuing to stop the application. If no key is specified, the default value 0 will be used.


public final class ExampleLifeCycle {

    private final Config configuration;

    public ExampleLifeCycle(final Config configuration) {
        this.configuration = configuration;

    @LifeCycleStart(priority = 1000)
    public void onStart() {

    @LifeCycleStop(priority = 1)
    public void onStop() {