
Sometimes a relational database does not fit the need, so you have to turn to more specific, non-relational databases. Void Framework provides the tools to use the NoSQL database Redis.


To enable this module, just add following lines to the pom.xml file of your project.



The following configuration key can be used in the configuration file of your application.

  • the Redis server host. Default value is
  • voidframework.redis.port the port on which the server is listening. Default value is 6379.
  • voidframework.redis.username the authentication username (Redis 6 ACL). By default, this value is empty.
  • voidframework.redis.password the authentication password. By default, this value is empty.
  • voidframework.redis.defaultDatabase the database to use by default. Default value is 1.
  • voidframework.redis.connPool.connectionTimeout the connection timeout in milliseconds. Default value is 2000 milliseconds.
  • voidframework.redis.connPool.maximumWait the maximum time to obtain a connection from the pool. Default value is 2000 milliseconds.
  • voidframework.redis.connPool.minimumIdle the minimum number of idle connections. Default value is 2.
  • voidframework.redis.connPool.maximumIdle the maximum number of idle connections. Default value is 8.
  • voidframework.redis.connPool.maximumPoolSize the maximum number of connections. Default value is 16.


If you wan to monitoring Redis health, you can enable the healthcheck module by adding the following lines to the pom.xml file of your project.



public final class ExampleService {

    private final Redis redis;

    public ExampleService(final Redis redis) {
        this.redis = redis;

    public void example() {
        final long nextValue = this.redis.increment("incr.key");