Retrofit 2

Retrofit 2 is a REST Client for Java allowing to retrieve and upload data via HTTP.


To enable this module, just add following lines to the pom.xml file of your project.


How it work

All interfaces annotated with @RestClient will be automatically proxyfied with the Retrofit 2 client.


The following configuration key can be used in the configuration file of your application

  • voidframework.restclient.maxIdleConnections the number of connection to keep idle. The default value is 5.
  • voidframework.restclient.keepAliveDuration the duration for which connections will be kept idle before being closed. The default value is 5 minutes.
  • voidframework.restclient.connectionTimeout the connect timeout duration. The default value is 15 seconds.
  • voidframework.restclient.readTimeout the read timeout duration. The default value is 35 seconds.
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.type the authentication type to use (API_KEY, BASIC or BEARER). The default value is null (disabled).
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.apiKeyName the API key variable name. This setting is only used if the authentication type is set to API_KEY. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.apiKeyValue the API key variable value. This setting is only used if the authentication type is set to API_KEY. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.apiKeyAddTo where to add the API key (COOKIE, HEADER, QUERY_PARAMETER). This setting is only used if the authentication type is set to API_KEY. The default value is HEADER.
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.basicUsername the basic authentication username. This setting is only used if the authentication type is set to BASIC. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.basicPassword the basic authentication password. This setting is only used if the authentication type is set to BASIC. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.basicUseISO88591Encoding use ISO-8859-1 encoding rather than UTF-8. This setting is only used if the authentication type is set to BASIC. The default value is false.
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.bearerPrefix the bearer prefix to use in the request header. This setting is only used if the authentication type is set to BEARER. The default value is Bearer.
  • voidframework.restclient.authentication.bearerToken the bearer token to use in the request header. This setting is only used if the authentication type is set to BEARER. The default value is null.


voidframework {
    restclient {

        maxIdleConnections = 10

        echo-api {

            endpoint = ""
            maxIdleConnections = 1
            readTimeout = "15 seconds"
private interface EchoApiRestClient {

    String echo(@Query("msg") final String message);

    @Headers("Content-Type: application/json")
    JsonNode postJsonNode(@Body final JsonNode message);
private class SampleService {

    private final EchoApiRestClient echoApiRestClient;

    public SampleService(final EchoApiRestClient echoApiRestClient) {
        this.echoApiRestClient = echoApiRestClient;

    public String mySample() {
        return this.echoApiRestClient.echo("Hello World");