Using Web

Does your application need to have web entry points (ie: http(s) or websocket) to provide an API or web pages? The voidframework-web module will best meet your expectations.


To enable this module, just add following lines to the pom.xml file of your project.



The following configuration keys can be used.


  • voidframework.web.gracefulStopTimeout the time (duration or milliseconds) for the web daemon to shut down properly. The default value is 15 seconds.
  • voidframework.web.errorHandler the implementation of the error handler to use in case of http error. The default value is dev.voidframework.web.http.errorhandler.DefaultErrorHandler.
  • voidframework.web.contextPath the default context path root. The default value is /.
  • voidframework.web.routes a list of routing definition classes (must implement the interface AppRoutesDefinition). The default value is [].
  • voidframework.web.globalFilters a list of routing global filter classes (must implement the interface Filter). The default value is [].
  • voidframework.web.baseAssetResourcesDirectory the default location of static files in the “resources” directory. The default value is static.


  • voidframework.web.server.idleTimeout the time without any request to wait before the connection is closed. The default value is 30 seconds.
  • voidframework.web.server.extraWebServerConfiguration the implementation of the interface ExtraWebServerConfiguration to apply a custom configuration to the Undertow web server. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.web.server.ioThreads the number of I/O threads. If not specified (value = null or 0), Math.max(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), 2) value will be used. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.web.server.workerThreads the number of Worker threads. If not specified (value = null or 0), ioThreadsNumber * 8 value will be used. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.web.server.maxBodySize the max body content size. The default value is 1 MiB.
  • voidframework.web.server.fileSizeThreshold the maximum size allowed in memory before the uploaded file was stored on the disk rather than in memory. The default value is 256 KiB.
  • voidframework.web.server.tempFileLocation the location where temporary files will be stored. The default value is null (default Java temporary folder).


  • voidframework.web.server.http.listenHost the interface on which the server will listen for non-secure HTTP requests. The default value is
  • voidframework.web.server.http.listenPort the port on which the server will listen for non-secure HTTP requests. The default value is 9000.


  • voidframework.web.server.https.listenHost the interface on which the server will listen for HTTPS requests. The default value is
  • voidframework.web.server.https.listenPort the port on which the server will listen for HTTPS requests. The default value is 9001.
  • voidframework.web.server.https.ssl.protocols the protocols to use. The default value is ["TLSv1.2", "TLSv1.3"].
  • voidframework.web.server.https.ssl.ciphers the allowed ciphers. If list is empty, all ciphers will be allowed. The default value is [].
  • voidframework.web.server.https.ssl.keyStorePath the path where is located the key store. Could be a “resources” path, a URL or a simple path. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.web.server.https.ssl.keyStoreType the type of the key store. The default value is JKS.
  • voidframework.web.server.https.ssl.keyStorePassword the password to use to open the key store. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.web.server.https.ssl.keyAlias the alias of the key to use. If “null” the key will be choosen automatically. The default value is null.
  • voidframework.web.server.https.ssl.keyPassword the key password. The default value is ${voidframework.web.server.https.ssl.keyStorePassword}.


  • voidframework.web.language.availableLanguages the available languages. The default value is ["en", "fr"].
  • voidframework.web.language.cookieName the name of the cookie containing the current language. The default value is VOID_LANG.
  • voidframework.web.language.cookieHttpOnly if the cookie can only be accessed via HTTP. The default value is false.
  • voidframework.web.language.cookieSecure if the cookie must be secured, if true, the cookie will be only sent via HTTPS. The default value is false.

Flash messages

  • voidframework.web.flashMessages.cookieName the name of the cookie containing the current flash messages. The default value is VOID_FLASH.
  • voidframework.web.flashMessages.cookieHttpOnly if the cookie can only be accessed via HTTP. The default value is false.
  • voidframework.web.flashMessages.cookieSecure if the cookie must be secured, if true, the cookie will be only sent via HTTPS. The default value is false.


  • voidframework.web.session.cookieName the name of the cookie containing the current session. The default value is VOID_SESS.
  • voidframework.web.session.cookieHttpOnly is the cookie only be accessed via HTTP? The default value is true.
  • voidframework.web.session.cookieSecure is the cookie secured? If true, sent only for HTTPS requests. The default value is false.
  • voidframework.web.session.signatureKey the key used to digitally sign the session content.
  • voidframework.web.session.timeToLive the session TTL. The default value is 7 days.


  • voidframework.web.csrf.tokenName the token name (used to retrieve token from Body or QueryString). The default value is csrfToken.
  • voidframework.web.csrf.cookieName the name of the cookie containing the current CSRF. The default value is VOID_CSRF.
  • voidframework.web.csrf.cookieHttpOnly is the cookie only be accessed via HTTP? The default value is true.
  • voidframework.web.csrf.cookieSecure is the cookie secured? If true, sent only for HTTPS requests. The default value is false.
  • voidframework.web.csrf.signatureKey the key used to digitally sign the CSRF token. The default value is ${voidframework.web.session.signatureKey}.
  • voidframework.web.csrf.timeToLive the CSRF token TTL. The default value is 15 minutes.

Security headers

  • voidframework.web.securityHeaders.contentTypeOptions the value for the header “X-Content-Type-Options”. The default value is nosniff.
  • voidframework.web.securityHeaders.frameOptions the value for the header “X-Frame-Options”. The default value is DENY.
  • voidframework.web.securityHeaders.xssProtection the value for the header “X-XSS-Protection”. The default value is 1; mode=block.
  • voidframework.web.securityHeaders.crossOriginResourcePolicy the value for the header “Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy”. The default value is same-origin.
  • voidframework.web.securityHeaders.contentSecurityPolicy the value for the header “Content-Security-Policy”. The default value is default-src 'self'.